Taxonomic Swap 40019 (Committed on 2018-09-19)

World Spider Catalog, Version 19.5 (Citation) | Theraphosidae Working Bee (2018)
Added by bobby23 on September 19, 2018 02:38 PM | Committed by bobby23 on September 19, 2018
replaced with


I think you should exercise these changes with caution.... The paper by Smith and Jacobi (2015) has been criticised by many of us in the theraphosid taxonomy community for its poor layout, lack of adequate justification and the fact it appears type material of H. doriae (the generic type of Haplopelma) and some other crucial species was not examined by those authors.

H. doriae is not synonymous with C. paganus the generic type of Cyriopagopus and I have seen fairly concrete evidence of this courtesy of a colleague working on terrestrial ornithoctonids. Further, the latter holotype has not been accessible to researchers for many years, two specimens supposedly exist in that jar, the original Simon specimen and another specimen added later. It is not known if they were conspecific nor which specimen Smith examined back when they were accessible.

Hauke (2017) gave a fairly good overview of the situation, also illustrating Smith and Jacobi (2015) ignored modern taxonomic characters laid out in von Wirth and Striffler (2005) which further brings their results into question. Finally, the World Spider Catalog itself (who have followed these changes as usual, since the WSC is a list of taxonomic works and taxonomic acts) has weighed in noting: "Haplopelma, Cyriopagopus, Melopoeus and other "ornithoctonine" genera are in urgent need of revision (e.g. Hauke, 2017: 48). Genus transfers and synonymies without thorough analysis and without including the type species will not be taken over." which shows the group needs thorough re-evaluation.

Posted by danni_sherwood almost 6 years ago

This change was not made as a taxonomic declaration, but to get Theraphosidae inline with the World Spider Catalog (WSC), iNaturalist’s authority on spider taxonomy. Reverting this change should be straight forward since there were no observations attributed to the input taxon.

Some other taxa have official Working Group projects (as exemplified here: and here: It might be a good idea for us to form an “iNat Spider Working Group”, where people interested in sorting out Spider taxonomy on the site could discuss discrepancies from the WSC and areas where our database is lacking. If we work out all those issues, we could make Araneae a complete taxon, enabling us to track new discoveries and what species remain missing. I wonder if @tigerbb @claggy @arachnojoe @wynand_uys @portioid @wildcarrot @siddharth or any other spider enthusiasts on iNaturalust would be interested in being involved with such a project...

Posted by bobby23 almost 6 years ago

@bobby23, I think that's a fantastic idea! I've just been making my own notes as I come upon things, and some of us have exchanged messages or comments in observations, but a centralized place to discuss curation and new developments would be great!

Posted by tigerbb almost 6 years ago

In theory, I would be glad to be part of such a project. Realistically, I won't be able to spend much time on it, I am spread pretty thin with other projects…

Posted by portioid almost 6 years ago

I agree the WSC should be followed to its very latest versions for all spider taxa on iNaturalist and it is good you are updating these taxa. However, it is important in cases like this for the papers/taxonomic decisions in question to be discussed especially if some of the results are questionable. It is good to hear that these changes are changeable at a future date without too much hassle, as at some point H. doriae will be restored to its original placement. It is simply not congeneric with the material in Myanmar and neighbouring countries, being endemic to Borneo with different morphological features.

Echoing the sentiments of Rebecca and @portioid above I think a centralised group for discussion on spider taxonomy may be very useful, like @tigerbb I also typically make changes on a case by case basis and discuss nomenclatural and taxonomic issues on individual records. Principally it is because I use iNaturalist in my (limited) free time and typically I refer people with similar nearby records to read the information on the previous records where I've discussed relevant topics.

The Mygalomorphae section (and in a small way the Mesothelae section too) needs some work to be brought into line with the current version of the WSC and I am slowly trying to achieve that as and when I can get the time to do more curation within them (not as often as I'd like). I am sure this is dwarfed by the tasks facing Araneomorphae taxa on here though.

Posted by danni_sherwood almost 6 years ago

I have not received word from Scott on if this was okay to do, but (under the assumption that it's totally fine) I have preemptively created the iNaturalist Spider Working Group project. It's empty right now, but I am writing up a journal post on Theraphosidae on iNaturalist vs. the World Spider Catalog to get the ball rolling, so keep an eye out for that. It should be out in a day our two. Please let me know if you would like to be a member of this working group. It means that I will add you as an admin to the project which will give you permission to post to the journal (i.e. spear-heading your own discussions on spider taxonomy you'd like to move forward with). It will also help identify yourself as someone who cares about spider taxonomy curation on iNaturalist. If you would just like to be included and notified on discussions moving forward, you can just "follow" the group as well.

Also, I am not heavily involved with spider taxonomy on iNaturalist. So if there are other curators you know who I did not tag below, please share this with them. Thanks!
@tigerbb @claggy @arachnojoe @wynand_uys @portioid @wildcarrot @siddharth @danni_sherwood @behendrixson @lorenzo_prendini @sjl197

Posted by bobby23 almost 6 years ago

Thanks, Bobby! I appreciate your time on this. I would like to be a member of the working group. ~Rebecca

Posted by tigerbb almost 6 years ago

Hi Bobby, I'd also be interested in being a member, it should centralise taxonomic discussions nicely.

Posted by danni_sherwood almost 6 years ago

Hi! How do I 'follow' the group? I am currently working on a spider taxon split (this one), but am not sure how much energy I could put into being in the working group, so I'd like to follow.

Tagging a few that I don't think have been tagged here yet in case any of them would be interested. @kschnei @d_b @mhedin

Posted by claggy over 5 years ago

Excellent, this sounds quite good, but due the lack of time, I would like to "follow" for the moment this working group. I know that Thelyphonida is not included into this working group but I think that it could be very interesting to share and read your opinions about that order, and I do have a couple of issues regarding to thelyphonids but in time I'll be consulting with you folks. Thanks @claggy for the tag

Posted by d_b over 5 years ago

@claggy there should be a button in the upper right corner of the banner on the Spider Working Group that reads “follow”.

Posted by bobby23 over 5 years ago

Hm, I see a "Join" button, but not a "Follow" one for some reason.

Posted by claggy over 5 years ago

Hi, @claggy. I'm sorry for the late reply. I haven't been on iNat in a week.
"Join" and "Follow" are one in the same.

Posted by bobby23 over 5 years ago

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