Identification of observations: Phase II

We have now come to the end of Phase I. All the observations now have an identification at some level

Mopping up will continue. If you could help to get these down to the level at which our specialists can process them it will be appreciated.
No IDs yet - only make an ID if you recognize it - otherwise leave it without an ID. - 390
Useless IDs (too vague) - can you make these finer? To family, genus or species?. - - 470

But our main work now moves to getting identifications to the species level. This is the most formidable task, and needs to be done group for group.
If you know of any specialists who can help, please enlist them this weekend and send them the link.
Statistics for the groups will be provided in the comments, and links provided here with the current needs
Updated regularly! Last update -20:00-Sat. (in brackets Thursday 23:00) -
DEADLINE: midnight at end of 3 May 2020
((click to activate))

So, please choose your group:
Birds - 149 (204)
Mammals - 20 (27)
Herps - 22 (34)
Fish - 26 (26) ATTENTION

Molluscs - 98 (161) (includes marine ATTENTION)
Spiders - 672 (659) ATTENTION
Insects - 2,659 (2,675) {please add your group to refine search} ATTENTION

Fungi & Other:
Fungi (incl. Lichens) - 267 (235)
Other - 1 (1)

Plant Families: (with more than 50 IDs outstanding)
Stonecrops (Crassulaceae) - 759 (843)
Daisies (Asteraceae) - 620 (674)
Aloes (Asphodelaceae) - 610 (751) ATTENTION
Mints & Plectranthus (Lamiaceae) - 439 (489)
Asparagaceae (Yucca, Agave, Asparagus) - 314 (326)
Vygies (Aizoaceae - Mesembryanthemaceae) - 313 (327)

Lilies (Amaryllidaceae) - 204 (210)
Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) - 188 (203)
Bouganvilleas - 178 (139)
Bromeliads & Airplants - 177 (190)
Rosaceae (Roses) -167 (170)
Cacti (Cactaceae) - 148 (183)
Hibiscus (Malvaceae) - 134 (158)

Conifers (Pinopsidae) - 127 (131)
Grasses (Poaceae) - 123 (147)
Gums & Myrtles (Myrtaceae) - 111 (129)
Peas (Fabaceae) - 106 (114)
Proteaceae (Proteas) - 114 (175)
Cape Reeds (Restionaceae) - 109 (123)
Aroids (Araceae) - 103 (109)

Orchids -96 (100)
Sedges (Cyperaceae) - 91 (117)
Irises (Iridaceae) -90 (96)
Stapelias & Frangipangi (Apocynaceae) - 80 (106)
Tomatoes & Nightshades (Solanaceae) - 75 (93)
Mosses - 73 (69) ATTENTION
Palms - 68 (97)
Buchus & Lemons (Rutaceae) - 55 (78)

Use this and add your family to check your own special group:
add your family or genus

(Blackeye Susans) Acanthaceae - 15 (56)
Craneflowers - 7 (90)
Spekboom - 3 (151)

Posted on April 30, 2020 10:10 PM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Status - total = Research Grade // Needs ID // Casual
(scrapped: once off 23:00 on Saturday 2nd May)

• Birds - 2,782 = 2450 / 204 / 45
• Herps - 694 = 642 / 30 / 13
• Mammals - 344 = 249 / 42 / 47
• Fish - 95 = 6 / 13 / 74

• Insects - 4,527 = 1,316 /3,151 / 44
• Spiders - 921 = 119 / 782 / 18
• Molluscs - 522 = 315 / 192 / 14

• Fungi (incl. Lichens) - 375 = 53 / 315 / 6

• Plants: 22,848 = 5,022 / 7,201 / 10,609

TOTAL: 34,035 = 10,182 / 12,619 / 11,044

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Did you miss the original instructions ? They are still here:

But a very quick synopsis is to view this 2 minute tutorial:
And then click on the link for your group on the links above, and get identifying.
** Dont click on planted or captive observations until they have reached "Research Grade"
** Dont make higher level IDs (e.g. it is ID'd as Turdus olivaceous - so dont add a genus Turdus ID: if you dont know the species just skip it)
** Agree with our known professional and amateur experts if you see that they have identified a species and you totally trust their abilities. Otherwise, do not agree unless you know for certain that the ID is correct.
** When you have reviewed an entire page (30 observations), mark them as "Mark all as reviewed": this will make sure that they dont clutter up your workflow. (if there are one or two that you want to come back to, click on the top of the card to "unreview" or "review" them).

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

CALL FOR EXPERTS: please help.

(in fairness, this request will load all observations for the City Nature Challenge from southern Africa, not just Cape Town)
These are observations above species rank: checking species already identified is phase III of our process, but please feel free to do so (in the grey filter box, remove the LOW Rank from "Genus" to "low")
(numbers are current 00:01 Sun 3 May, and in Brackets Saturday 12:00)
((click Order to activate ID tool))

Beetles - 502 (491)
@beetledude @rjpretor @borisb @fubr @alexdreyer @riana60 @vitalfranz

Hemiptera - 586 (582)
@dhjacobs @rjpretor @wongun @beetledude @fabienpiednoir @alexdreyer @psyllidhipster

Hymenoptera - 678 (669)
@rjpretor @peterslingsby @johnascher @susanna_h @alexdreyer @ponerinecat @beetledude

Diptera - 904 (891)
@rjpretor @edanko @beetledude @myelaphus @alexdreyer @treegrow @entomokot

Moths & Butterflies - 975 (957)
@cabintom @nicovr @karoopixie @beetledude @qgrobler @rjpretor @wolfachim @jaheymans @simontonge

Other insects - 728 (718)

Spiders: - 672 (678)
@wynand_uys @robertarcher397 @alexdreyer @cecileroux @hvardaman @arachnophile @michael-gasteracantha @ianengelbrecht

In anticipation: a million thanks!

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

I think there is a mistake in the last. -----Milkweeds acanthaceae ! @tonyrebelo It may cause confusion

Posted by botswanabugs over 4 years ago

Totals updated. If you can help with a group please do so: only 40 hours to go ...
Significant movement only in Proteaceae, Palms and Crandflowers. Groups needing urgent attention highlighted.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Please dont forget to flag observations for "Observation of the City Nature Challenge"!!
Use the standard nominations project, and dont forget to add your votes by adding a FAVE to the observation.

Join the project here:
and see the observations already nominated here:
CURRENT NOMINATIONS for Observation of the 2020 City Nature Challenge

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago


OK. So nothing much more is moving. It appears as if all the IDs have gone as fine as we can expect them to. In fact, for insects, the number of "Needs IDs" in all the major groups is increasing.

So time to move on to the mopping up stage.

Meanwhile, please check your favourite groups: is there anything left there that we can do?

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Marine people needed please: IDs needed in
(click on the category to open the ID tool)

Fish - 26 (26)
Molluscs - 98 (161) (includes marine)
Other marine (mostly)

@pbsouthwood @alanhorstmann @rosepalmer @alexdreyer @maractwin @seastung @underwaterwendy @predomalpha @wynand_uys @phelsumas4life @guidocoza @joe_fish @kemper

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Is there a way that one can search for needs id observations? @tonyrebelo

Posted by predomalpha over 4 years ago

Lots of ways: easiest is just to click on the links (fish, molluscs, other marine) provided above.
Quick instructions are in the second comment to this blog.

Here is the url (click it) for the "Other marine (mostly)" above:

Note that in the grey filter box on the page, you can switch off the "only show genus and above" by clicking on LOW in the second "rank" box. to get

You can get all this and more in the filter box on the Identity menu bar.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

ok, I had a bash..

Posted by seastung over 4 years ago

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