Identification of observations: the process

OK: I trust that we are all doing our identifications! A great Lockdown activity.

Our strategy is simple:

Wednesday: clear the backlog of observations that have no identifications at all.
To do this please:

  1. Make IDs to "family level" in plants. Animals are not an issue (birds, reptiles, frogs, moths, bugs, butterflies, fish, spiders, etc. are all easy enough). And fungi are too diffcult: just please use Fungi, except for Lichens: these should be Lecanoromycetes (just type Lichens and choose this). But for plants, please try and get the families. These should be easy for flowers for Daisies, Peas, Proteas, Vygies, Stonecrops, Aloes (Asphodelaceae), Orchids (we wish), grasses, irids and other iconic groups. Ferns and Mosses are OK "families" as well. If you dont know the family or genus, then just skip it: Do NOT ID them as "Plants" or "Dicots" unless there is no chance that they will ever be identified.
  2. Other tasks to do while doing this:
  3. 2a: look out for superb photographs, outstanding observations and really cool stuff: - for these add the project "Nominations for Observation of the Month".
  4. 2b: Planted stuff - if something is planted or captive - please tick it as such when it has become research grade. (please DO NOT tick it before it is research grade, otherwise it cannot be processed in our work flow)
  5. 2c: Look out for duplicates - please add a comment for duplicates: "This is a duplicate of an another observation of yours: please group observations of the same animal/plant at the same place and time in a single observation"
  6. 2d: Look out for multiple species observations: please add a comment for multipules: "Please separate out each species into its own observation. iNaturalist can only cope with one species per observation. On the web version you can use the "Duplicate option on the EditV" button, but please double-check the locality". And add an ID of "State of Matter: Life" if you want.
  7. 2d: Observations without a picture: please add a comment for blanks: "Please sync your app to upload your pictures. if this was a mistake please delete this"

The link to help with these is:
(to avoid us all working on the same page at the same time, replace the "5" on "page=5' with some other number such as "57" - at present there are 166 pages of observations needing identification, but if the page loads as blank, then you have chosen a page number more than there are: choose a smaller number.
((tip: to prevent having to go through the same observations many times, when you finish a page, choose the option "mark all as reviewed". Esp. nearer the end, the same ones will keep on coming up if you dont do this)).

From Tomorrow we will be calling our our experts and more knowledgeable users to change their tack (beginners and higher order helpers can stay on the unidentified observations and clear the last few).
They will start processing the observations that have been identified as "Needs ID" and getting them identified. There will be three levels
** IDs that need confirmation: these will already be identified to species and merely need confirmation. If you are certain of the ID, then please click the "Agree" button. You may also "Agree" tentatively if you know that the person who made the ID is an expert in that group.
** IDs that are wrong: please fix these. Even if it means taking the ID back to genus or family level (or even plants). Add an ID with your best effort, and select the "red" option: 'it is wrong as it is'
** IDs to family or generic level that need species level IDs. Please add the IDs.
or if you dont want to confirm species level IDs, but just work above the species level, then use this rather:

Initially we will just do blanket IDs, but once experts have done a few dozen IDs, they can start "cherry picking" out species that have not yet been identified, and leave the more common species to the more generalist identifiers.
We will coordinate this as we watch our progress.
To help with the finer level IDs, please use this url:
insert your group in the species box (e.g. Birds or Acanthaceae or Lichens - currently it shows Daisies):

If we have time at the very end, we will trawl for false IDs and fix these. But that is more complicated.
And also tackle the Garden Plants needing identification:

Posted on April 29, 2020 08:43 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Cribsheet: Copy paste these to speed up the ID process, or keep this page handy in a tab to easily allow you do do so. )

This is a duplicate of an another observation of yours: please group observations of the same animal/plant at the same place and time in a single observation. (Best done on the website).

Please separate out each species into its own observation. iNaturalist can only cope with one species per observation. On the web version you can use the "Duplicate option on the EditV" button to easily copy the observation: untick the pictures you dont want to include and then save. But please double-check the locality that it is correct. Afterwards delete the multiple observation.

Please sync your app to upload your pictures (sometimes the picture does not load properly). If this was a mistake and is not a valid observation, then please delete this.

Please check your locality and date. Something appears to have gone wrong and it was not properly recorded. Edit the observation and include them, save and double check.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

2b: Planted stuff - if something is planted or captive - please tick it as such when it has become research grade. (please dont tick it before it is research grade, otherwise it cannot be processed in our work flow)
Tony can you clarify this? Must we leave out the tick for "captured or planted" until the observation has been made research grade, and onlythen tick it?

Posted by yvettevanwijk1941 over 4 years ago

Is the Garden Route using this protocol? If so then follow the instructions above. If not then it is up to you.
((Simply if you use the "Needs ID" to process what needs to be identified, then marking them as "planted" takes them out of the cue for identification and marks them as casual and thus not needing identification, and mixing them with observations that need ID, and that are technically research grade already. - Officially iNaturalist does not care about planted stuff and therefore does not regard planted stuff as needing identification, and requests that you get them out of the wild cue that requires ID as soon as possible.))
So please contact your GR Identification Party coordinator for clarification.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Please note: an observation that has one or several photographs with lots of species is not necessarily an invalid observation. If the same species is in all photographs, and if that is the focus, then that is perfectly acceptable.

What to do with many species on the same photo?
If the user does not specify the target then:

choose the object in the centre if it is unusual or obvious.
((I post a note asking the user what they wanted. If they dont reply within a day or two, then I ...))
choose anything you want if there is not an obvious candidate.
3a. add a note to the user that they can duplicate the observation for posting the other species.
[["Thanks for the observation. This has many species that can be used for an observation. I have chosen this one. You can duplicate this observation for another: click the "V" on the EditV button on the top right of the page, and select "Duplicate", add an ID or note stating which animal/plant features, and Save."]]

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Well we have reached the end of phase one: all the observations now have an ID, barring the very last few (about 600)
And now for a change of strategy

New instructions at:
(together with a summary of progress per larger families)

A summary of casual/needsID/researchGrade can be found in comments to

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

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