Taxonomic Swap 125564 (Committed on 2023-04-24)

Singh et al, 2019.....

Two new genera of Spilomelinae, Neobotyodes Singh, Kirti & Singh, gen. nov. (Type species: Botyodes crocopteralis Hampson, 1898) and Caldubotys Singh, Kirti & Singh, gen. nov. (Type species: Botys caldusalis Walker, 1859) are established. Morphological descriptions and diagnoses are provided for both the new genera. Two new combinations Neobotyodes crocopteralis and Caldubotys caldusalis are also established

Two new genera for the Botyodes speci... (Citation)
Added by hkmoths on April 24, 2023 01:33 PM | Committed by hkmoths on April 24, 2023
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