Taxonomic Merge 124956 (Committed on 2023-03-27)

Group GC, Roalson EH, Jiménez-Mejías P, et al (2021) A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59:726–762.

Added by rynxs on March 28, 2023 02:03 AM | Committed by rynxs on March 27, 2023
merged into


The most ridiculous taxon merge I've ever seen

Posted by apseregin over 1 year ago

@apseregin I'm updating Carex taxonomy, see the source linked above.

Posted by rynxs over 1 year ago

I think it would look less alarming if, on this page, it displayed "Carex hirta CLADE" and not just "Carex hirta."

Posted by adamschneider over 1 year ago

@adamschneider yes, I wish at least the taxon ranks were displayed on taxon changes.

Posted by rynxs over 1 year ago

you all need to STOP. you are making the site unusable for everyone who isn't a taxonomic specialist in a narrow group.. ie 99.99% of the users. just STOP. Please restore this.

Posted by charlie over 1 year ago

@rynxs this isn't acceptable, please fix this and return the group Vesicariae, which is used by literally everyone who identifies sedges except whoever wrote this paper

Posted by charlie over 1 year ago

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