Taxonomic Swap 69882 (Committed on 2023-02-21)

Added by kitty12 on January 23, 2020 03:07 PM | Committed by kitty12 on February 21, 2023
replaced with


@polemoniaceae, @alanprather, are there any reasons not to commit this proposed taxon change? It conforms with POWO. See also the note above under "Analyze Unintended Disagreements".

Posted by stevejones over 1 year ago

Oops - paging it wrong above.

Posted by stevejones over 1 year ago

Having this change made would be great! Thank you!

Posted by alan_prather over 1 year ago

Thanks, Alan. If Jeff agrees I'll commit it.

Posted by stevejones over 1 year ago

@polemoniaceae any reason not to move forward with this?

Posted by alan_prather over 1 year ago

No. I have been arguing for merging the names one way or another. Sorry for not seeing this earlier.

Posted by polemoniaceae over 1 year ago

Swap done. I resolved the flag.

Posted by kitty12 over 1 year ago

Thanks @kitty12

Posted by alan_prather over 1 year ago

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