Orlando Wetlands's Journal

Journal archives for June 2024

June 28, 2024

Project Status as of June 28, 2024

As of today, the Orlando Wetlands project on iNaturalist has:
24,438 observations (up from 19,105 observations a year ago);
1556 species (up from 1494 species observed a year ago);
620 observers (up from 479 observers a year ago);
2606 identifiers (compared with 2150 identifiers a year ago).
The most observed taxa are:
insects (578 spp. compared to 499 spp. a year ago), with Eastern Pondhawk leading with 125 observations.
plants (508 spp. compared to 484 spp. a year ago), with Pickerelweed leading with 86 observations.
birds (187 spp. compared to 182 spp. a year ago), with Great Blue Heron leading with 650 observations.
The most observed of all species in the project is the American Alligator (1089 observations up from 816 observations a year ago).

Posted on June 28, 2024 06:56 PM by marykeim marykeim | 0 comments | Leave a comment