May 13, 2016

The 2016 Roadside Season is Under Way!

Hi there,

It's mid-May, and the Piedmont roadsides are calling! I've started visiting a few of my favorite roadside spots, and I'll upload observations from those visits soon. If you'd like to help with this project but don't know where to start, here are some ideas:

--Try browsing the species observed in this project to familiarize yourself with species that indicate a high-quality roadside.
--Browse images online to develop a "search image" for selected species, to help with finding a high-quality roadside near you (but please don't botanize and drive -- ask a friend to drive!).
--Message me for location suggestions.
--Once you've found a roadside or two, revisit the site(s) periodically -- flowering species will come and go throughout the spring, summer, and fall.

Indicator species that I've observed flowering now (May) are Arnica acaulis, Parthenium integrifolium, Tephrosia virginiana, Scutellaria integrifolia, Marshallia obovata, Lyonia mariana, and Phlox species. I've also seen Castilleja coccinea and Clematis ochroleuca -- these two species are probably past flowering, but you might find them in fruit. Many others will start flowering soon.

By the way, I've updated the project description and terms -- please review these!

Best regards,

Posted on May 13, 2016 03:38 AM by jtuttle jtuttle | 0 comments | Leave a comment
