Caterpillars of Costa Rica / Orugas de Costa Rica's Journal

Journal archives for February 2024

February 8, 2024

10,000 observations

We reached 10,000 observations! The list is complete from May 18, 2022 through February 8, 2024. This is not 100% accurate; for example, I imagine many of the Hylesia are incorrectly ID'd as H. continua when there are actually at least 20 species in this genus found in the country. But without a good guide to all of the thousands of larvae you might see, this is a great starting point.

Obviously there is much more work to do, and I'll keep picking at it, but I think it's in good shape to continue on its own. Thanks to everyone who has helped out!

Posted on February 8, 2024 11:32 PM by craigbiegler craigbiegler | 0 comments | Leave a comment