Summary of life-history strategies of African bovids (Bovidae)

Most bovids have gestation periods of

  • about 6 months in the smallest-bodied, fastest-growing spp.,
  • about 7 months (relatively small-bodied spp.),
  • about 9 months (relatively large-bodied spp.),
  • 11 months (Syncerus caffer).

Compare the above values with

  • 5 months in Phacochoerus,
  • 7 months in Hippopotamus,
  • 12 months in Equus quagga,

Most bovids have birth-weight percentages of about 5-10%, exceeding 10% in the most precocial spp. The values for Phacochoerus and Hippopotamus are less than this.

Most bovids reach sexual maturity at

  • about 9 months in relatively small-bodied spp.,
  • 1.2-1.4 years in Connochaetes,
  • 2.5 years in large-bodied, slow-growing spp.,
  • 2.75 years in Syncerus caffer.

Compare the above values with

  • 1.5 years in Equus quagga and (check) Phacochoerus,
  • 4 years in Hippopotamus (exceeding the value for Giraffa)
Posted on May 16, 2024 10:20 PM by milewski milewski


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