Please remember to Fave any exciting observations.

This can be because of an unusual creature, a stunning photograph, an interesting observation, scientific value, because you like it, some interaction, interesting scenery, or whatever reason you like.

Faved observations will be used by cities and organizers to help decide on the Observation of the City Nature Challenge. Other criteria might include the discussion or excitement around an observation, but faves will feature strongly.

Please also remember to mark observations that are planted as captive.

Both Faves and Captive observations can be marked on the bottom of the left hand panel on the Identification Curation Tool.

  • You may fave as many observations as you like.
  • You may fave your own!
  • Feel free to agree with any previous faves, and help vote for the observation of the CNC for your city and more.

Here are the current faves.

They will change as identifiers prowl through the observations, so visit regularly:

Posted on April 30, 2024 09:38 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Our faves are moving nice, but even the most faved observations have only 5 faves. Surely we have more than 5 people active in identification?

Please quickly scan through these and fave the ones that you think are best. The quickest way is with the ID tool, just skim through and click the fave button on those that you think are really worthwhile.
here (most current faves are first): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?reviewed=any&quality_grade=any&order_by=votes&verifiable=any&project_id=city-nature-challenge-2024-southern-africa&place_id=any
[click on first to open tool, and click > to progress through list and fave those that deserve it]

Remember to FAVE while doing identifications.

Posted by tonyrebelo 5 months ago

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