CNC 2024 a few hours away... are we ready?

The City Nature Challenge is almost here, and we’re so excited to see what we all accomplish together this year! Thank you all for your time, effort, and work that goes into creating this incredible global event – having local organizers for each city is truly what makes the CNC so successful.

Here are some reminders that we often get questions about from CNC participants:
• The City Nature Challenge starts at 12:01 am April 26 YOUR TIME and ends at 11:59 pm April 29 YOUR TIME – So it will start (and end) FIRST in New Zealand and start (and end) LAST in Hawaii
• If you are using iNaturalist as your platform, any observations made within your CNC boundary between April 26 and April 29 will automatically be added to your project – people do not have to join your project to have their observations show up, and people do not need to add their observations to your project to have them show up… they just need to make them and upload them to iNaturalist
• All observations must be MADE between April 26 & April 29, but they can be uploaded later (but must be uploaded by May 6 at 9am YOUR TIME to count)
• Identifications can happen throughout the full City Nature Challenge window, up until your results are pulled (they can keep happening afterwards of course, they just won’t count for the CNC!)
• We will pull your city’s results on 6 May at 9AM your time – so whatever numbers (observations, species, identifiers, observers) are showing in your project then will be your city’s final results

• Other Frequently Asked Questions (and answers!), see

• PLEASE help us with data curation by:
o Reminding participants to mark non-wild organisms as captive/cultivated when making their observations, and
o If you see observations from your city that are clearly of captive or cultivated organisms, mark them as not wild in the Data Quality Assessment section of the observation – please remind your identifiers to do the same!

Please let us know about your cool/unusual/rare sightings:
• Examples of what we’re looking for:
o New finds! Species that haven’t been recorded in particular areas before.
o Important finds of rare/endangered/threatened species
o Observations that have a great story that go along with them
o Really cool photos
o Fun finds!
• If you share these by Friday, May 3, there is a chance they will be featured in the CNC 2024 results infographic!
Please also share photos of people participating in the 2024 CNC - especially people at CNC events (in-person or virtual):
• Please use the naming convention: City_state/region_country_name of photographer_number.jpg (e.g.: Pondoland_EasternCape_SouthAfrica__AlisonYoung_03.jpg)
• Add to this folder:

Sharing on social media:
• Remember to share about #CityNatureChallenge on social media platforms.
• Tag us on X (formerly Twitter) @citnatchallenge & Instagram @citnatchallenge @inatureZA @sanbi_za @botsocsa

Results: we will email results to you all around 2-3 PM Pacific Time on Monday, 6 May. This will include:
• A results workbook where you can look at all the city results in multiple ways
• An infographic highlighting the global results, including the total number of observations, species, and observers, and interesting finds from around the world

And finally, a reminder that we hope you HAVE FUN during the City Nature Challenge! Get outside, make some observations, meet new people (and maybe some new-to-you species), and enjoy this celebration of nature in and around urban areas!

Posted on April 25, 2024 07:54 AM by suvarna suvarna


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