Update from the PSG Visit

The Mpumalanga Plant Specialist Group surveyed our site on the weekend of 2-4 February.

9 observers made 225 observations of 128 species.
Well done to @reubenheydenrych for contributing over 100 observations during this field trip.

Please assist with identifying the remaining 91 observations so that we may increase our species count for this trip. See https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?reviewed=any&place_id=198658&d1=2024-02-02&d2=2024-02-04

2 threatened plants were recorded:

Gladiolus cataractarum (Endangered) and Streptocarpus hilburtianus (Vulnerable), both recorded by @simon_attwood

Posted on February 21, 2024 05:36 AM by suvarna suvarna


Posted by tonyrebelo 7 months ago

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