Join our iNaturalist CSI Webinar: Fancy cameras not required: tips for taking captivating images!

You are invited to the next webinar in our iNaturalist CSI: Canadian Species Identification series on October 18th at 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET.

People often conflate having expensive equipment with being a good photographer, but in reality, this thought is mostly a fallacy. Taking strong, captivating images requires knowledge of compositional techniques, a little understanding of psychology, visual processing, and – especially in nature photography – knowledge of your subject. In this talk, we will learn tips and tricks that can be use in the field with whatever camera you have at your disposal, no matter its cost.

Join the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) for a webinar demonstrating how to take captivating images without fancy camera equipment. Presented by Dr. Sean Landsman, Instructor at Carleton University.

Date: October 18th, 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern

Register here

Posted on October 12, 2023 01:01 PM by acaciaf_cwf acaciaf_cwf


Will this webinar be recorded and available to watch at a later time? I'll be working when the webinar will be given. Thanks, Joan

Posted by joanseptembre 11 months ago

Yes, the webinar will be recored and uploaded to the CWF website!

Posted by acaciaf_cwf 11 months ago

Sounds good, thanks!

Posted by joanseptembre 11 months ago

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