Plants (Kingdom Plantae)

This photo was taken in Brooklyn at Schenectady Ave/ Lefferts Ave. It was around 1:51 pm EST on February 26, 2023. The weather is 51 F and the wind is 10 mph. Humidity was 50%. It was very cloudy. It was a huge tree and it has these little white bulbs. It's not much obvious what the color of the flowers would be.

Posted on March 3, 2023 04:37 AM by lindaebrahim lindaebrahim



Photos / Sounds


Planzeräich (Kingdom Plantae)




February 26, 2023 01:51 PM EST


This photo was taken in Brooklyn at Schenectady Ave/ Lefferts Ave. It was around 1:51 pm EST on February 26, 2023. The weather is 51 F and the wind is 10 mph. Humidity was 50%. It was very cloudy. It was a huge tree and it has these little white bulbs. It's not much obvious what the color of the flowers would be.


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