Join iNaturalist CSI: Canadian Species Identification! / Tortues et iNaturalist : identification des espèces canadiennes dans iNaturalist

You are invited to the opening webinar in our iNaturalist CSI: Canadian Species Identification series!

Each month this summer we will explore how to take identifiable photos and make identifications of wildlife on iNaturalist Canada. Our first webinar is all about turtles. Let's celebrate World Turtle Day together!

Join the Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) for a webinar demonstrating how to photograph and identify turtles, with CWF’s turtle expert David Seburn in English and, CWF’s French editor and forest technician, Annie Bélair in French.

English Webinar
Date: May 24th, 12:00-1:00 pm Eastern
Register Now

French Webinar
Date: May 26th, 12:00-1:00 pm Eastern
Register Now


Nous vous invitons à un webinaire sur l’identification des espèces canadiennes dans iNaturalist.

Le sujet de celui-ci : les tortues!

On discutera de comment photographier les tortues pour qu’elles soient faciles à identifier, et de comment en faire l’indentification dans iNaturalist Canada.

Ce webinaire de la Fédération canadienne de la faune (FCF) est présenté en français (avec Annie Bélair, réviseuse de la FCF et technicienne en foresterie) et en anglais (avec David Seburn, expert en tortues de la FCF).

Webinaire en français
26 mai, 12 h à 13 h HAE

Webinaire en anglais
24 mai, 12 h à 13 h HAE

Posted on May 13, 2022 04:45 PM by cbrant cbrant


I may not be able to attend this session. As I have no turtle habitat nearby, it is not critical to my iNaturalist postings. However I am very interested in Fungi, trees, and invasive species of all genera.
I would also like hints on using a cell phone to take better pictures, as I cannot afford a decent camera.

Posted by elmslie over 2 years ago

Will the webinar be recorded and posted somewhere?

Posted by murphyslab over 2 years ago

@murphyslab Yes, the webinar will be posted on CWF's webinar page as well as our Youtube channel.

Posted by cbrant over 2 years ago

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