Spring into Spring

Congratulations on completing Spring Training!

In case you missed it, check out these two training videos from our “coaching staff” for plant identification drills to sharpen your skills:

As we approach the end of March and jump into April, we are excited to bring to you a few new challenges to start the new month! As our season is up to an early start, April 1st will be the start of our first monthly challenge of the year!

April Flowers Challenge
Dates: Apr 1, 2022 - Apr 30, 2022

© Stacie Wolny (@newtpatrol) (CC) BY-NC-SA
Napa Fawn Lily (Erythronium helenae)
LNU Lightning Complex

The April Flowers Challenge will start on Friday, April 1 and finish on Saturday, April 30. The person who makes the most plant observations in April will be rewarded with a Fire Follower Shirt! The winner will be announced the following week on May 7th, so don't forget to upload your observations by the end of the day on Saturday!

April Fools Challenge
Dates: Apr 1, 2022 - Apr 11, 2022

© Ixchel Gonzalez-Ramirez (@ixvagans) (CC) BY-NC
White Brodiaea/Fool's Onion (Triteleia hyacinthina)
North Complex

Additionally, starting April 1st, we will also be holding our April Fools challenge! A lot of us can be fooled by the good-looking computer-aided suggestions, but check again! Does it match the description in a flora? Is the plant suggested even found in that region? This challenge will reward the top 3 plant identifiers. Our April Fools challenge officially starts April 1st and will conclude on Sunday, April 11. Winners from this challenge will receive a Fire Follower Pin!

Check out this video that will present you with all the tips and tricks to get the best ID suggestion to your ability. Join us and learn how to identify plants on iNaturalist and how you can participate in our Fire Followers Campaign.

© Kristen Nelson (@kristennelson)
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
Owens Fire 2021

While we are at it, let’s not forget about CA Poppy Day next Wednesday! It has been 119 years since the California poppy, Eschscholzia californica, became the official State flower of California. April 6 is officially designated as California Poppy Day! Keep a lookout for these as you set to explore some of these burn areas. Learn more about it here: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/48225-Eschscholzia-californica

We will add some redeemable bonus points to Eschscholzia californica observations for our April Flowers challenge. All Eschscholzia californica observations on April 6 will count for double the points!

Save Mount Diablo Bioblitz
Dates: Apr 16, 2022- Apr 30, 2022

What better place to participate in the April Flowers Challenge than at the Diablo Range within the SCU Lightning Complex fire footprint!

Join Save Mount Diablo’s largest BioBlitz yet! SMD will be covering the SCU Lightning Complex fire footprint throughout a two-week period from April 16th to April 30th. With your help, we can monitor the plants, animals, and fungi, popping up throughout the burned sites. We encourage everyone to go and explore the Diablo Range and participate in monitoring post fire recovery.

Come and learn more during the upcoming info session on April 16: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bioblitz-infoinaturalist-training-tickets-252395139657

Also, be sure to join the CA Fire Followers: SCU Lightning Complex project https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/california-fire-followers-2020-scu-lightning-complex

You are tagged in this post because you were among the top observers this month and I hope you take part in this challenge!
@efmer @mmchale @aaron_echols @looking4salvia @susanmf @tchester @lagoondon @justin426 @sheriff_woody_pct @samgutekanst @canned_salmon @borregodude @greasewoood @jimtietz @mcanglin @brandonwoo @louwoo2 @robert1835 @kali_strawberry @shakeyouroncorhynchus @lattedray @adirado @escapeyourself @adaman797 @kristennelson @mtgal58 @tigran82 @heatherconstable @joergmlpts @nancyb @rshamis14 @surfnturf1967 @lucymarcus @s_pike @dtbirder @graham_montgomery @rachaelmposton @sshigenaga @victoriayef
Posted on April 1, 2022 08:20 PM by jaesparza11 jaesparza11


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