Project Update - January 2022

It is always tough to see wildlife within January, as the cold temperatures keep animals hidden away, and us too! We did host a BioBlitz at Erie MetroParks, but not much was seen, aside from a few birds, and some mammal tracks in the dissipating snow.

Either way, we did still have a handful of new observations added to the project. The project increased from 3393 to 3462 observations (+69), 1146 to 1163 species (+17), and 123 to 124 observers (+1). Our next BioBlitz is scheduled for February 26th at Osborn MetroPark. Come join us!

Our number of Research Grade observations increased from 2071 to 2140 (+69). This equates to a Research Grade percentage of 61.81% (up from 61.04%).

In total, there were 69 observations added to the project within January 2022. The observations include 39 birds, 11 mammals, 8 plants, 7 fungi, 3 insects, and 1 arachnid.

Of these, there were 45 species recorded. Red-bellied Woodpecker and Black-capped Chickadee were both observed on three occasions, with several species observed on two occasions, including Bald Eagle, Northern Cardinal, White-throated Sparrow, American Robin, Eastern Bluebird, White-breasted Nuthatch, and Downy Woodpeckers.

The 69 observations came from just 4 observers: @briarrose777 (51), @martyndrabik (12), @mikehensley75 (5), and @ncow (1).

The top observations of the month include:
Common Redpoll (Acanthus flammea) -
Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus) -
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) -
Spotted Pink Ladybeetle (Coleomegilla maculata) -
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) -

Thanks to all for contributing to the project. We will post another update next month. Please also look out for our upcoming programs via

~ Martyn

Posted on February 1, 2022 01:24 PM by martyndrabik martyndrabik


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