Project Update - September 2021

Firstly, welcome to our new project followers; @thekeeperswife, @naturalist_mollie, and @crosscountrycoach!

The project increased from 2761 to 2952 observations (+191), 1015 to 1025 species (+10), and 110 to 113 observers (+3). This was assisted by a BioBlitz program at Castalia Quarry. Our next Bioblitz is at the end of October at Wyandot. Come join us!

In total, there were 189 observations added to the project within September 2021. The observations include 69 plants, 67 insects, 16 birds, 16 fungi, 8 arachnids, 3 amphibians, 2 mammals, 2 reptiles, and 1 protozoa.

Of these, there were 129 species recorded. The most observed species was the Great Plains Ladies’ Tresses on 6 occasions. Turkey Vulture was second on 5 observations, with Monarch and Greylag x Canada goose on 3 observations each.

The 189 observations came from 17 different observers. Our top 6 observers for the month were @briarrose777 (65), @martyndrabik (39), @mikehensley75 (39), @elias105 (12), and @jenniferc3 (7), and @spiritualgreen (7).

The top observations of the month include:
Great Plains Ladies’ Tresses -
Bald-faced Hornet -
Twice-stabbed Stink Bug -
Dark-eyed Junco -
Spotted Cucumber Beetle -

Thanks to all for contributing to the project. We will post another update next month. Please also look out for our upcoming programs via

~ Martyn

Posted on October 4, 2021 03:34 PM by martyndrabik martyndrabik


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