Phylogenetic Placement and Adaptation -----Shuhao Zhang

In this post, I mainly focus on the phylogenetic placement of hornets. According to OneZoom, I find the hornet belongs to Animalia kingdom, Arthropoda Phylum, Insecta class, Hymenoptera order, Vespidae family, Vespinae subfamily, Vespa genus.
In terms of the common adaptation, one of the most obvious adaptations is that the colors of these species are close to the environment in which they live. For example, the color of Nosy Pill Woodlouses is white and brown. It is close to the color of the trunk, which is the place they live. We can extrapolate based on the knowledge of natural selection. There were nosy pill woodlouses with different colors living in this forest. Because the color of these brown woodlouses was close to the color of the trunk, they were less likely to be seen by their predators, so they were more likely to survive compared with woodlouses with different colors, which were more likely to be seen by predators. Therefore, more and more brown woodlouses survived and had generations. So, it ends up that the color of these nosy pill woodlouses is close to the color of their living environments. This is also working for all of the species in my observations.
But, there is one exception for the common adaptation I mentioned above, and I will take it as a unique adaptation of my observation. This is about the color pattern of ladybugs. Unlike other insects blending their colors to the environment, ladybugs show bright colors and polka dots. This color can warn predators away.

Posted on September 20, 2021 02:40 AM by shuhao1 shuhao1


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