Rhopilema hispidum再出現了!

本月,有人目擊到Rhopilema hispidum出沒在沙灘及海裡,是繼上一次四月末、五月初被目擊後,再次出現。牠們鐘形身軀的直徑比在春季時發現的水母要小,因此可能是另一群Rhopilema游經香港。有趣的是,雖然沒有報告指大量Cyanea nozakii 出沒,卻有人看到一些同屬此品種、近一米寬的大隻水母!由於也沒有人目擊到該品種較細小的水母,被目擊的很可能出自同一群水母,在年中經歷生命週期。

Last seen several months ago in late April/early May, Rhopilema hispidum is being spotted again in the water and on the beaches. The bell diameter of these individuals is smaller than previously seen in spring, indicating that this is likely a different cohort of Rhopilema coming through Hong Kong. Interestingly, Cyanea nozakii are not being reported in high numbers this summer, but very large individuals over a meter wide have been seen! Since they are not being reported in small sizes either, it is likely the cohort is passing through its life cycle over the course of the year.

Posted on August 28, 2021 07:04 AM by johnt77 johnt77


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