Spring ephemerals (early spring wildflowers) event

Hello, MVFN members!

Grab your phone or a digital camera and get outside to enjoy the warner temperatures. While you are out, keep an eye open for the spring ephemerals posing at your feet. They won't be there for much longer as the trees leafing out will spell an end to the ephemerals for another year.

We are looking for photos of trilliums, colts foot, hepatic, trout lily, bloody root or any of the other spring ephemerals. And, we would like you to add them to our iNaturalist project "Spring in Lanark County".

Ontario's provincial flower is the iconic trillium.
Can you find the other 10 spring flowers common to Lanark?
You do not need to be an expert to participate in this project. iNaturalists helps with identification if you can take some photos of the subject. To learn more about this project and to join, go to our website for more information.

Also on the website is information on typical spring flowers found in Lanark.

Let's show the world the beauty of Lanark County!

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep sharing!

Posted on May 17, 2020 09:13 PM by denisag2 denisag2


Hello, I've just joined your project, from my location near Clyde Forks. I'm quite new to iNat but have been adding more records this spring than before. But I am not sure how to add current records to this project. Can that be done? Is it okay?
Rob Vanderkam

Posted by robinlanark about 4 years ago

Welcome to the project. It will be nice to get more nature observations from the Lanark Highlands! You are now on the project list and any observations you post to iNaturalist in Lanark County will appear in the MVFN project. You currently have 41 observations in the project (#7 on the list of observers).
Keep posting!
Denis (denisag2)

Posted by denisag2 about 4 years ago

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