Project Update 1: From Borneo to Australia to Kazakhstan

Hi all,

I wanted say a huge thanks to everyone who's contributed to the project so far. As of writing we have almost 550 observations from 208 users, an amazing compilation given the project has only been live for under a month.

Currently, the top three contributors are @cclborneo, @dustaway and @talgar-t64, each with their own unique observations.

Chien Lee's observations are mostly from Borneo, and cover an outstanding range of taxa including critically endangered Nepenthes, this stunning tarantula and this surreal snake. Also a highlight is this frog, the first sighting of this species since the type collected in 1875.

Nicholas John Fisher's observations are from eastern Australia near the Queensland/New South Wales border and mostly cover tricky to spot moths that take a lot of patience to ID. Gracillaridae, Oecophoridae and Geometridae are among the families covered.

Anatoliy Ozernoy's observations are all spiders from eastern Kazakhstan, and include amazing macro shots of jumping spiders, lynx spiders and crab spiders.

Here's to the next 500 observations!

Posted on May 5, 2020 09:35 AM by thebeachcomber thebeachcomber


I have some possibilities for this group (mainly moths), although I am not 100% certain that they are the first living photographs ie I don't own all the moths books etc. Not sure whether to include them.


Posted by nicklambert over 4 years ago

I'd say add them, I mainly intended this to be first online images given the near impossibility of also being able to search through books

Posted by thebeachcomber over 4 years ago

OK, no worries.

Posted by nicklambert over 4 years ago

Fascinating! Thanks for starting this project! :)

Posted by synechist over 4 years ago

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