It started with a snail🐌

I see them on my morning walk; numerous little white whorls on what I now know is sea beet, all along the top of the beach. Then two weeks ago I took some photos and tried to identify them. This was when I found INaturalist. It didn’t take me long to log the snails as my first record- and misidentify them. The site’s experts soon put it right.

I then uploaded all the wildlife photos on my phone and since I’ve spent the last two weeks enthusiastically adding observations of wildlife from my neighbourhood. Despite my best efforts I am still making plenty of misidentifications so I’ll be keeping the experts busy for a while yet!

Posted on March 1, 2019 09:01 PM by nobiscuits nobiscuits


Very happy that you introduced me to iNaturalist.

Posted by oldgit73 about 5 years ago

Nice to hear from you! Are you finding lots of wildlife?

Posted by nobiscuits about 5 years ago

Getting a lot out of the site and it’s really rekindled my interest in the local insect and bird populations. Sadly it also seeks to emphasise a rather rapid decline in numbers in both. Sitting here reading “The uninhabitable earth” by the deputy editor of New York magazine - hard to believe that we’ve caused more damage since Al Gore published his first book than all the millennia that came before - never mind Malthus!!!
Keep well.

Posted by oldgit73 about 5 years ago

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