Happy 2nd iNat-iversary to me!

Today marks the end of the 2nd year of my daily addiction to iNaturalist. Last year I posted a Journal Entry (http://www.inaturalist.org/journal/kimberlietx/7073-happy-inat-iversary-to-me) and I just might do so every year to see how things have changed.

1st year:
1368 observations of 1293 different species and contributed 899 identifications.
2nd year:
2936 observations of 2802 different species and contributed 2116 identifications.

I have continued my pet project surveying the Lakewood Estates Open Space, although significantly less since we moved 45 minutes away last fall. This time last year I had posted 498 observations of 314 species, and this year I'm up to 750 observations of 426 species.

I've also started a new location closer to my home. I've nicknamed it the Clocktower Field for the large clocktower standing at the entrance. Since March I've posted 280 observations of 198 species.

That's enough of the statistics, but it's safe to say I love having my own locations to explore and document.

What has changed significantly for me this year has been the number of iNatters I've met in person. @sambiology, @suz, and @brentano have been around since the beginning, but I've gotten to know so many more of you this past year! @annikaml, @bob777, @briang, @tfandre, @tadamcochran, @greglasley, @gcwarbler, @rehb (and Shannon), @galactic_bug_man, @dfwuw, @amzapp, and @nanofishology, to name just a few that have accepted me into their #tribe. (I'm giving a little stink eye to @pfau_tarleton for being so elusive, and hoping that one day I can meet @aguilita and @mokennon, too!) But I thank you ALL for being friends and nature cohorts. BioBlitzes, the City Nature Challenge, and mothing events have been incredibly rewarding to me!

I start my 3rd year off by finishing the Master Naturalist program with the Cross Timbers Chapter, which I expect will open up even more adventures!

Thank you iNat @kueda @loarie @tiwane for helping me to find my passion and share it with others!

Posted on August 28, 2017 04:16 PM by kimberlietx kimberlietx


Congratulations @kimberlietx to two years of successful iNatting! Looking forward to many iNat meetups in the future. Happy iNatting, my nature friend!

Posted by annikaml almost 7 years ago

Look forward to meeting you and others too @kimberlietx . Completed my second year on iNat this past July 11, 2017. Have met a few of the iNatters in the North Texas region along the way but have yet to meet many others. That's a project in itself. :) Best!

P.S.--Our thoughts and prayers are with all the millions of Texans and people from other states (i.e., Louisiana) who have been hard hit with record rainfall from Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath.

Posted by aguilita almost 7 years ago

It's been a great time iNatting with you, Kim! Same here. I've met so many good people and fellow nature nerds over the last year or so. It's been such a positive thing. Cheers.

Posted by tadamcochran almost 7 years ago

Congrats Kimberlie, looking forward to meeting up with you again. All the best !

Posted by rehb almost 7 years ago

Congrats. This is the second year of iNaturalist for me too but I have back logged a lot of stuff all the way back from 2013. I have the same addiction my friend. I just love this site just as much as you do my friend. Carry on and keep documenting our amazing wildlife.

Posted by galactic_bug_man almost 7 years ago

What a wonderful accomplishment! Congrats to you and your iNatting ways! Looking forward to seeing you again at future Bioblitzes, and thanks for all your wonderful observations - I've learned a lot from your moths.

Posted by amzapp almost 7 years ago


Posted by briangooding almost 7 years ago

Congrats on your many exploits! I take it from your "mothing events" that you are a young mother. ha ha.

Posted by mokennon almost 7 years ago

Congratulations. I am still appreciative of your kind assistance in finding Passiflora lutea and Phemeranthus parviflorus. I hope our paths cross again.

Posted by jackinaustin almost 7 years ago

Happy Anniversary! I'm trying to get Sam to drag yall out west.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 6 years ago

Just reading this post, and can I say WOW! So many observations and so many cool species. I look forward to more explorations and hopefully projects with you. So glad you were a part of the CTMN Class of 2017

Posted by birdsandbugs27 over 6 years ago

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