Rhonda B.

Joined: Jan 6, 2019 Last Active: May 31, 2024 iNaturalist

Hello. I am very appreciative and grateful to all the truly talented and amazing experts on iNat that take the time to confirm an ID, share a bit of knowledge, and try to educate others that are wanting to learn about life on Earth. Thank you!

I also love to help others with their IDs on iNat if I can. I feel that we each can do a part to make iNat more like a community of citizen scientists when we try to help each other out. Plus, I feel like I learn so much when I start researching some new or unfamiliar taxa. :)

I've studied college biology and science basics, although my career is not in the natural sciences. I believe that lifelong learning does not require a college or university enrollment, in order to be useful to a person. So, through personal study, I have been an amateur "naturalist" all my life. From the tiniest plant or insect to the largest animal or forest that ever lived, I truly love learning about all God's creations! That is why I can't really pick a favorite taxa, because if a thing "lives" then I want to know more about it.

My Projects -
Sierra Pelona Mountains Project; formerly "The Lakes and Valleys area of Southern California"

Angeles National Forest Mountains and Vicinity

More updates to follow later in 2024.

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