
Joined: May 21, 2020 Last Active: Sep 25, 2024 iNaturalist

We love our home here in MadCoNC, brimming with birds, bugs, reptiles and amphibians, beautiful plants, rushing streams full of hidden life. Been here together for over thirty years on the northern edge of Madison Co., watching nature come back, up on the mountain and up the Laurel River and its streams. Peregrines, River Otters, Beavers, Golden Eagles, Swainson's Warblers, Common Mergansers. Climbing Fumitory, Bleeding Hearts, Walking Fern and lots and lots of rhodos! Redline Darter, Warpaint Shiners, Longnose Dace and "Horny Heads." Shovel-nose Salamanders and giant 30-yr old Rat Snake, "Stumpy" (lives in our attic!). Many many rocks!
Time to join iNaturalist and document all our little buddies around here!

Been many places but this place is all the world to us! Ecologist and Forester, Mary Sauls Kelly and Rob Kelly

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