Journal archives for August 2020

August 06, 2020

5 months on iNat

Looks like getting back to China is shelved: not only is the government not issuing visas, but we have heard rumours the consulate will be closing due to the geopolitical climate.

Upside is more time in the near future to do bushwalks!

Got a NSW NPWS membership, so cheaper access to national parks now.

Recently did another ANPS walk which was interesting, learned a bit more about Hakea identification and also Grevilleas.

Spotted a termite which came from a palm purchased during unpotting for planting in to our garden, if I'd known what it was at the time I would have squashed the blighter!

Encountered the world of commercial arborists, conclusion is they are mostly criminals. Quotes ranged from $4200-$6050 for the same work, I talked the expensive guy down to the medium price as he seemed the only one with a license and insurance and the trees in question overhang the neighbour's roof. Don't want to be paying urgent roof repair damages.

My most interesting observation recently was this bright red coral-looking fellow which experts couldn't agree on precisely but is either Petrophile pulchella or Isopogon anethifolius. Feels great to stump the experts in any domain!

Began to plan a bushwalk in the Hunter region, circa Barrington Tops. Bit cold yet but seems promising.

Got some decent walking shoes, finally. Most of my stuff is still in China, and half of what I brought was lost when my bag burst open at the airport on the way over at Christmas. What a year eh.

Heard about a couple of great wildflower areas, one is which is closed except 6 weekends per year (and totally closed this year) and one is a secret track said to be on par with the former.

Looking forward to a local bushcare event (first post-COVID!) and an exploration of the secret track.

Managed to join the ANPS Isopogon / Petrophile and Fern study groups, a black art in either case. The former received me in to their junk mail and the latter were contemplating shutting down. It seems the market for eccentric interests is ever-reducing and the millenial expresses their not-so-disparate entertainment wonts through TikTok in lieu of associations. For shame!

Posted on August 06, 2020 03:04 AM by pratyeka pratyeka | 2 comments | Leave a comment
