Journal archives for April 2023

April 3, 2023

Recognition of Cat's Claw Creeper Biological control agents and their activity.

It would appear that people do readily recognise Cat's Claw Creeper (CCC).
But do they recognise CCC as a Weed of National Significance (WONS)????

What is evident from the recorded observations (based on Research Grade status) is that few people have a knowledge of the biological control agents that have been released to control this weed or the type of damage that these agents (Jewel Beetles, Tingids and the Leaf Tying Moth) can do to CCC.

So, how do we change this perception?
How do we elevate CCC to the real level of a Weed of National Significance
i.e. a vine that is no longer a lovely yellow flowering garden plant but a true weed of environmental significance.

Posted on April 3, 2023 07:47 AM by kevin-jackson kevin-jackson | 0 comments | Leave a comment
