Journal archives for September 2023

September 29, 2023

Sneaking up on Frogs (and toads)

This time of year, early autumn, the result of trying to sneak up on a frog basking on dry land, a log or rock next to a pond is almost always one of two things. One — you hear a plop and see ripples on the water. End of story. Two — you hear a itty bitty tiny squeak toy noise, and then hear a plop, and see ripples on the water. End of story. As soon as they dive in, they are under the leaves and gone from sight.

I can’t blame them. There’s scores of creatures in Lincoln Woods who can and do eat frog eggs, pollywogs and grown frogs: Herons, Crows, Ducks, Geese, Hawks, Owls. Blue Jays, Kingfishers, Chipmunks, Skunks, Foxes, Raccoons, Opossums, Water Shrews, Coyotes, Weasels, Dogs, Cats, Garter Snakes, Ribbon Snakes, Hognose Snakes, Water Snakes, Bass, Catfish, Snapping Turtles, Painted Turtles, Sliders, Dragonfly larvae, and leeches (although leeches don’t actually eat the frog whole, sucking it’s blood dry more or less has the same effect.) Even frogs will eat frogs, as long as the one doing the eating is bigger than the one being eaten. They never get a break. Oh yes, humans too.

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Posted on September 29, 2023 07:44 PM by karenlee5715 karenlee5715 | 5 observations | 2 comments | Leave a comment
