Journal archives for September 2021

September 19, 2021

From the behaviours of bees to the whole ecosystem

My 10 observations are all about plants and insects(basically 5 flowers and 5 insects), according to my observation, there is a kind of relationship called mutualism commonly existing between bees and flowers. And I will address that in detail in the next paragraph of my journal.
In both of the bees observations I selected, two different species of bees are flying around the flowers and why do bees love flowers so much? The answer is pretty simple, bees need nectar to survive. But on the other hand, the pollen is also picked up when the bees are fed on nectar. in that way, the pollen can be carried long-distancing and it helps to reproduce remotely. Such a kind of mutual relationship could exist between bees and flowers because of natural selection. If someday the number of bees dropped considerably, the number of flowers will go down to balance the whole ecosystem. Until someday the number of bees comes back to normal again, the number of flowers will also increase to the previous value. In that case, the eco-system can adapt itself (self-healing) but that capability is limited.
It should come to us that we should protect the planet we are living on. Humans are one of the millions of species on earth, we are a part of the ecosystem and nothing special from other species. If we do too much damage that exceeds the capacity of self-healing, nobody can get rid of the bad outcomes even if we are on the top of the food chain.

Posted on September 19, 2021 07:24 PM by jack742 jack742 | 2 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
