Journal archives for September 2024

September 10, 2024

On a hike on the Perseverance Trail I came across some blueberry bushes. After doing some research on the history of them I discovered that the blueberry species are the most dominant Alaskan shrub. They can be found high up in the mountains, along trails, or at sea level. The shrubs' height can range from four inches to thirteen inches high! Blueberries are pollinated by bees and once they begin to blossom it will take about forty to sixty days for it to ripen. As it begins to ripen the blueberries go through color phases! From bright green to green white to greenish pink and finally, as we all know it must be a dark hue of blue before we eat them because this tells us when it is ready to be eaten aka ripe! For these to populate their surrounding area, cross pollination has to occur meaning each blueberry shrub is a little different. So the next time you are going berry picking you might want to look a little closer at their colors and characteristics! Furthermore, here in Alaska they play an important role to not only the Indigenous community but to the locals as well. Throughout history they would typically be picked and dried either for consumption, decoration, or other. They could also be eaten, or used as dyes for wool and fibers. Personally I usually just pick them to eat right off the bush, bake desserts with, decorate dishes with, or use them for watercolor paintings!

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Posted on September 10, 2024 01:51 AM by ela49524 ela49524 | 1 comment | Leave a comment

September 14, 2024

While out walking behind my old highschool I came across a plant called Yarrow. I have seen these plants before scattered throughout the wetlands here in Juneau and have heard they can be good for treating wounds. When I saw it on my walk I knew I could take this opportunity to dive into what the plant itself does or is. Its scientific name is Achillea Millefolium which comes from “Achilles, who used plant extracts to treat soldiers’ wounds in the battle of Troy. The name milfoil comes from its Latin name “millefolium” meaning “a thousand leaves”” (U.S. Forrest Services). It can also grow up to 3 feet tall and come in many colors although rare. Typically they have no branches except for at the top which also has compact clusters of one or more flower heads that are yellowish white. This plant can often thrive with minimal water and sun which is why they can be so abundant here in Alaska. When this plant is used recreationally it is for decoration, and for arrangements. However, Indigenous groups often crush them and use them to apply to wounds and burns, creating teas out of their dried leaves to soothe headaches, colds, and fevers. In addition to this, they could also be used for rashes and stomach disorders when steeping the leaves. My interaction with them has always been to admire their beauty and use them as decoration; however, this plant has a strong impact in history that I encourage everyone to dive into such as their collection by Lewis and Clark during their Expedition in the year, 1806!

Rey-Vizgirdas, Edna. “U.S. Forest Service.” Forest Service Shield, Accessed 12 Sept. 2024.
“Plant Database.” Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - The University of Texas at Austin, Accessed 12 Sept. 2024.

Posted on September 14, 2024 07:10 AM by ela49524 ela49524 | 6 comments | Leave a comment
