Journal archives for February 2024

February 2, 2024

Starting a new series of walks at Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve

"Know Your Nature Neighbors" - that's the tagline that I think expresses what we're trying to do at the preserve. I hope we get a turnout of human neighbors who are new to all this naturalist stuff and who might decide they love it. Here's the low-down:

Mini-Bioblitz: Know Your Nature Neighbors

Let’s take a walk, meet some cool plant and animal species, and contribute to citizen science. You don’t have to be an expert. Maybe you’re interested in finding cacti, flowers, lizards, or birds and uploading photos of them to the nature app “iNaturalist” or other citizen science app like eBird. You would also be welcome if you just want to come along with us, enjoy nature, and learn a little.

We will have folks who know the preserve well and know iNaturalist and can help you use it. There may be one or more Texas Master Naturalists with us who can give you pointers on discovering nature at the preserve.

These walks will begin March 9, then we’ll do it again April 27 as a participation in City Nature Challenge ( In most months we will do this on the second Saturday from 10:00am to 12 noon.

We’ll meet at the picnic tables off the parking lot at the preserve, introduce ourselves, and we might talk a little about a kind of plant or animal we are focusing on. Then we’ll go explore for a while, finding and documenting that species or any plant or animal that catches our interest. You can walk with the group leader(s) or explore on your own. We will meet back at the picnic tables at 11:30am to review what we found and be done by 12:00.

If you are interested, please keep up with us and check for last minute changes at If you are not on Facebook, you can contact us at In some months we will have a special topic on a different day and time instead of the second Saturday. The walks are subject to canceling and rescheduling based on weather.

Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve is a city-owned 59-acre preserve near I-20 in southwest Arlington. It conserves and protects some of the remaining Eastern Cross Timbers ecoregion in the DFW area, with oak woodlands, patches of prairie grasses, and several ponds. The Friends of Sheri Capehart Nature Preserve is a nonprofit group that supports the city of Arlington’s efforts in conservation and education.

@sambiology @apcorboy @algraff @wildcarrot @sharon416

Posted on February 2, 2024 04:52 PM by drawntoscales drawntoscales | 0 comments | Leave a comment