Journal archives for May 2024

May 25, 2024

Quick trip through Southern Appalachia - Spring 2024

I had a week or so to scramble through the foothills, plateaus and ridge lines of Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina using iNat the whole way. I take pics with a camera and then transfer rather than using my phone so I miss a lot of stuff, but conversely, I'm able to get pics of distant critters much easier.

Traveled through in mid-May. Lots of plants in bloom, but missed the exciting stuff probably by a few weeks. Bird migration was still a trickle, but many birds were setting up territories and some neotropical migrants were already feeding young. Had a little bit of rain so the wet conditions were great for salamanders, especially at night.

Great trip and highly recommend it for iNatters. Unfortunately, I now have thousands of photos to go through.

Posted on May 25, 2024 05:06 PM by anttanager anttanager | 38 observations | 2 comments | Leave a comment
