Taxonomy details for Groundcherries, Lanterns, and Allies (Tribe Physaleae)

Relationship: Deviation

iNaturalist Luxembourg Plants of the World Online
Subfamily Cestroideae (parent: Family Solanaceae) Not external
Subfamily Duckeodendroideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Subfamily Goetzeoideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Subfamily Nicotianoideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Subfamily Petunioideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Subfamily Schizanthoideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Subfamily Schwenckioideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Subfamily Solanoideae (parent: Family Solanaceae)
Tribe Benthamielleae (parent: Subfamily Cestroideae)
Tribe Browallieae (parent: Subfamily Cestroideae)
Tribe Capsiceae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Cestreae (parent: Subfamily Cestroideae)
Tribe Datureae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Hyoscyameae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Jaboroseae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Lycieae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Mandragoreae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Nicandreae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Nolaneae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Physaleae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Salpiglossideae (parent: Subfamily Cestroideae)
Tribe Solandreae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)
Tribe Solaneae (parent: Subfamily Solanoideae)

POWO does not recognize ranks between Family and Genus.

Downstream deviations for Capsiceae 1

Downstream deviations for Lycieae 1

Downstream deviations for Nicotianoideae 3

Downstream deviations for Solaneae 6

Downstream deviations for Petunioideae 1

Downstream deviations for Solanoideae 9

Downstream deviations for Physaleae 1

Downstream flagged taxa: 4
Created by bobby23 on March 13, 2019