Keep your eyes out for blue butterflies

Hi all,

Silvery Blue butterflies were early this spring as assessed by our fieldwork, our networks of partners, and especially by looking at iNaturalist of course!

In the field, we had our first butterflies flying in Monterey County on March 12. We had peak numbers with > 30 unique detections at Garrapata State Park and > 60 unique detections at the Fort Ord Natural Reserve on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.

We've also seen several other species including: Echo Azure, Acmon Blueand Coastal Green Hairstreak. The latter are pretty apparent at restored dune sites in the Presidio of San Francisco.

Speaking of the Presidio, if you go anywhere in the Presidio this weekend, keep your eyes out and photograph any blues you might see! (more exciting news on that Monday).



Posted on April 12, 2024 11:21 PM by cydno cydno


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