Monday (today) last day of observing! Hope you can get outside some!

Hey all,

Today (Monday) is the last day for the observing! Observations need to be uploaded as soon as you can, with as much of an identification as you can.

If you'd like to watch how the other cities in Texas are doing, here is that leaderboard:

Here is the global leaderboard:

These numbers will fluctuate as folks continue to upload observations, particularly from cameras, and the species numbers will change too.

MAJOR kudos to folks that are already tossing on ID's on observations!!! This is a tremendous act of service -- it welcomes folks to the naturalist community, and it makes the data better and better.
Here is the ID link for DFW:

Again, hope you can get out some today, engage with nature, celebrate the biodiversity that exists here with us in the metroplex!!! :)

Posted on May 1, 2023 01:19 PM by sambiology sambiology


Kudos to DFW area! I moved to a small town southwest of Houston a little over 3 years ago, so my few observations go to the Houston/Galveston group. But I lived in the DFW area for 47 years. Guess who I cheer for at this time every year. DFW!!!!! I'm so proud of Sam Kieschnick and the work that he does with iNaturalist. What an educator! What a naturalist! What a great guy! I have so many friends in the DFW area who participate in this contest. I applaud you! Keep up the great work! I hope you don't mind if I try to help you ID plant observations when I can. I love going back to Oliver Nature Park, Thora Hart Park, and other locations through iNat.

Posted by suz over 1 year ago

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