The CNC has started! Join Us!

The 2018 City Nature Challenge is underway and wait, what? YOU haven't hear about this? K. A little backstory. Year 1: LA vs San Francisco, Who has the most urban biodiversity? SF wins. Year 2: More cities in the continental US join in. Dallas wins. Year 3: CNC goes international and Maui joins in with the fun. Now into day 2, we aren't doing badly and some of you are getting into it!

Any observation you make on Maui or Molokini will automatically be added to the CNC Maui project. You don't have to do anything other than the usual photograph, ID and location to join in. The challenge runs until midnight local time on Monday April 30. Please join us!

\/ On the list? \/ You are one of the top iNaturalist observers on Maui! We hope you can join us for the CNC!



Posted on April 29, 2018 02:52 AM by jstarmer jstarmer


Alas, I was just visiting Maui and I'm not there at the moment. I'm competing to help the SF Bay Area in this year's challenge. Best of luck!

Posted by npdoty over 6 years ago

@npdoty Thanks for the iNat contributions while you were visiting. Hoping to do more iNat-based projects and events with the Maui Nui Natual History group in the future. Check us out if you come back for a visit!

Posted by jstarmer over 6 years ago

Ditto @npdoty

Good luck Maui. Someone get under the water fast :)

Posted by zooillogix over 6 years ago

@zooilogix That truly was a missing part of the event this year. Something to plan for more seriously next year!

Posted by jstarmer over 6 years ago

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