Sophia Gannon Journal Entry

Being a part of the Plantae kingdom, plantains (Genus Plantago) are angiosperms that fall under the order Plantaginaceae.

The angiosperms all undergo sexual reproduction where two gamete cells fuse to form a diploid cell, but they require other factors for this to occur and for the resultant seeds to spread. Many flowering plants have pollinators such as bees. Other species' seeds spread after the plant has been consumed by another animal, and some, such as plantains and dandelions, largely depend on the wind to spread seeds and produce the next generation.

Plants in the genus Plantago have made several adaptations to ensure their survival as weeds in the city such as the resistance to both drought and flooding. Thus, they can easily exist by the side of a building, or in the crack of a sidewalk where the water supply is likely to be inconsistent.

Posted on September 23, 2021 05:17 AM by sophiagannon sophiagannon


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