
Joined: Aug 10, 2023 Last Active: Sep 19, 2024 iNaturalist

Hi, I’m Dax, a nature enthusiast with a special interest in behavior and environmental conservation. I’m passionate about observing and studying spiders, particularly jumping spiders, and I enjoy exploring the incredible biodiversity around San Diego, CA.

I hold a degree in Applied Psychology, and I’m currently working towards transitioning into a field role where I can apply my skills to surveying insects and wildlife. My current focus includes documenting and learning about local species, contributing to citizen science, and sharing my observations to help others appreciate the often-overlooked and secretive creatures around us.

When I’m not out in the field, I’m probably caring for my family or studying. I’m always excited to connect with others who share a passion for wildlife, and I’m eager to contribute to the iNaturalist community!

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