E.G. LaFon

Joined: Feb 3, 2023 Last Active: Sep 28, 2024 iNaturalist Monthly Supporter since May 2024

I am an American Naturalist that dabbles with insects, I have been studying Entomology at TAMU since 2022 and will begin studying Natural Resource Management in 2025. I have previously competed in insect identification contests as far back as 2019 and have worked for the TAMUIC.

I am currently trying to focus on photographing more mammals, and plants, as I diversify my naturalist findings from just insects.

Photos that are not my own, I have the sole explicit permission to upload and have received consent to do so, these are noted by "obs. (observer name)" in the notes.

All specimen that are not my own, or that I have the permission to upload on behalf of any institution that I have obtained consent to do are noted by their collection information recorded, these are noted by "leg. (collector)" in the notes along with their specific institution recorded too.

Interrogez les animaux, et ils vous enseigneront ; interrogez les oiseaux du ciel, et ils vous le diront ; parlez à la terre, et elle vous enseignera ; ou laissez les poissons de la mer vous le dire. Parlez à la terre, et elle vous enseignera, ou laissez les poissons de la mer vous le dire. Chacun d'eux sait que c'est la main de l'Éternel qui a fait cela. ".

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