iNaturalist BioBlitz

Rheum-rhabarbarum more commonly known as Garden Rhubarb is a fleshy stalk like vegetation purple in color with large green leaves. It belongs to and is one of the most recent common ancestors of the Rheum genus, a taxon group which consists of perennial plants with large leaves somewhat triangular. During the duration of my BioBlitz lab I chose to observe angiosperms, and one adaptation that all my species have in common is the presence of vascular tissue (xylem and phloem). This is because they are not situated in an aquatic environment and therefore must transfer water and nutrients throughout the plant. Of the plants I observed, the Solomon’s Plume appeared to have a unique adaptation which was present in the form of berries. This is most likely due to the fact that it does not have petals and therefore in order to reproduce in other locations, the fruit must be eaten by an animal and then excreted thus causing the growth of a new plant from its ingested seed in a new location.

Posted on September 22, 2021 03:18 AM by williamhusband williamhusband


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