*Ficus variegata* cf. *Ficus racemosa*

Re: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=773248038247826&set=a.440980548141245&type=3&comment_id=989557675991793

Here the white spots on these still ripening fruits coloured pale reddish and green,
and attached on to "inflorescence stems short, knobby, outward or upward pointing"
and these here "peduncles 30–50 mm long"
Ref': Coopers (2004) page 328,
confirm that this tree identifies to:
Ficus variegata

To doubly prove confirmation you may check the form of the leaves with,
a zoom lens into the canopy,
and any on the ground from the canopy above.

Ficus variegata has:
"Leaf blades rather large, about 14-21 x 9-13 cm.
Stipules smooth. "
Ref': RFK ed. 8 : https://apps.lucidcentral.org/rainforest/text/entities/ficus_variegata.htm

And "leaves ...glabrous [hairless]; petioles 50–140 mm long; stipules green or pink, 10–20 mm long"
Ref': Coopers (2004) page 328.

(Not Ficus racemosa – having yellow–orange–bright red ripe fruits,
after ripening from all over green unripe fruits without white spots,
attached onto inflorescence stems longer with longer branches and that often hang downwards with the figs on them,
"Leaves ... 50–200 x 30–90 mm ...; petioles 20–70 mm long; stipules 5–20 mm long, minutely hairy. "
their much shorter "peduncles 5–12 mm long"
Ref': Coopers (2004) page: 326
"Leaf blades about 6-20 x 4-9 cm ".
Ref': RFK ed.8 : https://apps.lucidcentral.org/rainforest/text/entities/ficus_racemosa.htm

And "Ultimate branchlets, stipules or petioles hairy ."
Ref': https://keybase.rbg.vic.gov.au/keys/show/13193
) .

Posted on May 20, 2024 11:20 AM by stewartj-54_2014- stewartj-54_2014-


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