
Visiting Lincoln Park in West Seattle, I travelled from a forest to the beach and back through a forest. Despite being in a forest, there were many clues that this was still part of an urban environment. For example, there was a lot of litter and things that people brought with them, much more than in other parks I have been to. It is probably its location in a major city that creates this. Beyond that, there were many trees and plants throughout the forest. There was a lot of ivy growing on the ground, and large trees such as Red Cedars and Douglas Firs. As I continued to walk I found myself on the beach, where there were many animals. I saw sea stars and sea anemones as well as crabs under rocks. Barnacles were largely present on the rocks, walking along the beach, until I found a path leading upward. This path had Madrone trees and large maples and pines, as well as many small flowers, some fungi, and lots of grass. There was less litter in this path probably because it was more distant from the entrance of the park. I was surprised by how many large trees there were in this park, how big this park is, and how many trees are growing right in a major city.

Posted on May 31, 2012 08:17 PM by skylarwilkins skylarwilkins


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