April @ Timberlake

Here are observations from this weekend:
--observation mode:

--identify mode:

The main Texas iNaturalist gathering for spring 2022 will be at Indian Creek Ranch in Edwards Co. So those with limited ability to travel should make that a priority.

But for those who can't be there on that date or have the ability to travel more frequently, I'm planning to be at Timberlake Field Station in early April to document the early spring diversity. This is not an "invitation only" event, so if you're reading this and wish to participate, you are welcome to join us.

I'm keeping track of some 2022 events here in my planning post.

*** April @ Timberlake will be April 8th (1 pm Friday) - 10th (2 pm Sunday) ***

The bunkhouse (with electricity and restrooms) is available and has 6 twin beds (respond to reserve a bed--first come first served). There's lots of room to pitch a tent, or car camp, near the restroom and shower facility. NOTE: the bunkhouse is currently full.

Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Field Station is an educational and research facility located on the Colorado River in the heart of Texas--midway between Austin and Abilene. The 790 acre property has over 2 miles of Colorado river frontage and includes bottomland and upland habitats.

Here's the link to detailed info about Timberlake and the bioblitz (including directions): https://docs.google.com/document/d/19D_D0b94QvtB72GR8e5cSH8XHXFSe9DS69zffjRrbtw/edit?usp=sharing

And here's the link to the Timberlake iNaturalist Project:

Notes to self:
Working list of flowers expected to be in bloom early April (assuming that it rains!) include:

  • Opuntia? Maybe some early bloomers (April-June)
  • Horse crippler cactus? Yes (April)
  • Miniature barrel cactus? No (May-Sept)
  • Lace hedgehog cactus? Maybe (mid April-early May)
  • Little nipple cactus? Yes (March-April)
  • Grooved nipple cactus? Probably not (mid April-July) - not yet documented at Timberlake
  • Christmas cholla? No (late May-July)
  • Missouri foxtail cactus? Yes (April-May) - not yet documented at Timberlake
  • Gaillardia
  • Straggler daisy
  • Texas thistle
  • Blackfoot daisy
  • Engleman daisy (not yet documented at Timberlake)
  • Stiff Greenthread
  • Texas yellowstar
  • False dandelion
  • Four-nerved daisy
  • Common yarrow
  • Carolina woollywhite
  • Camphorweed
  • Barbara's-buttons (not yet documented at Timberlake)
  • Prairie fleabane (not yet documented at Timberlake)
  • Texas ragwort (not yet documented at Timberlake)
  • Tickseed
  • Huisache daisy
  • Lazy daisy
  • Arkansas leastdaisy
  • ...

@alflinn329, @amzapp, @annikaml, @aprilsee, @austinrkelly, @bacchusrock, @baxter-slye, @benjamindurrington, @beschwar, @birdsandbugs27, @bosqueaaron, @brentano, @briangooding, @butterflies4fun, @catenatus, @centratex, @clairesorenson, @cmeckerman, @connlindajo, @donovanmoxley, @dylapodiformes, @elytrid, @gcwarbler, @gpstewart, @gwaithir, @jcochran706, @jgw_atx, @k_mccormack, @k8thegr8, @kayakqueen, @kimberlietx, @knightericm, @lorimalloy, @lovebirder, @lulubelle, @melissa_duron, @mchlfx, @mikef451, @molly_burke, @nanofishology, @oddfitz, @pynklynx, @rkostecke, @rymcdaniel, @sambiology, @tadamcochran, @sawwhet, @tweedledee, @wildcarrot, @williampaulwhite17

Posted on February 12, 2022 03:52 PM by pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton


Hi all, For me the 9th is more distant from the CNC and Indian Creek dates so I prefer it. 16th probably gains some more diversity. @atlasmira @paige186

Posted by mikef451 over 2 years ago

I think I can make either date. Looking forward to it!

Posted by jcochran706 over 2 years ago

I am OK and excited about either date. Nothing on my calendar yet so will pencil in. I certainly do not want to miss it!

Posted by connlindajo over 2 years ago

Adding to my radar. Hoping to make both this and the Edwards county one, but I usually don't know for sure til a week or two before.

Posted by rymcdaniel over 2 years ago

Excited to get back to Timberlake again. It's on my calendar.

Posted by annikaml over 2 years ago

I plan on coming this time. What is the bunk situation like?

Posted by bosqueaaron over 2 years ago

@bosqueaaron--there's a bed with your name on it.

First come-first served, so feel free to put your name in for a bed. There are three rooms amongst which 6 or 7 beds can be dispersed. I added the link describing the facilities up at the top of the post.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

I would like to reserve a bed, please and thank you!

Posted by connlindajo over 2 years ago

I'd definitely like one too.

Posted by bosqueaaron over 2 years ago

I'll be there. Camping. @kayakqueen

Posted by amzapp over 2 years ago

Car camp for me. See you Friday!

Posted by mikef451 over 2 years ago

way too far for me to make this time. make me regret missing it and find lots of neat critters!

Posted by williampaulwhite17 over 2 years ago

I'll be there. Car camping =)

Posted by k8thegr8 over 2 years ago

Really sorry to not be making this one. I've got 2 weeks of field work in west TX soon after and just can't make it work. I hope you find some really spring things!

Posted by beschwar over 2 years ago

Sadly, won't be able to make it that weekend.

Posted by bacchusrock over 2 years ago

I would love to make it but my travel is limited pending some vehicle repairs right now so I'm unlikely for this event. I'll certainly update if anything changes though.

Posted by elytrid over 2 years ago

Don't know how I missed putting this one on my calendar but I did and made plans for that weekend. So I won't make this one. Totally bummed about that. Y'all don't find any new odes without me.

Posted by brentano over 2 years ago

I'm in a walking boot until at least mid-april, so I'm out. Hoping to get it all settled before ICR. :(

Posted by kimberlietx over 2 years ago

Free piggyback rides to anyone in a walking boot.

Posted by amzapp over 2 years ago

It's probably right in front of my face, but what time does the BioBlitz start on Friday and what time does it end on Sunday?

Posted by jcochran706 over 2 years ago

@amzapp 🤣🤣🤣 Texas Sherpa Service

Posted by kimberlietx over 2 years ago

@jcochran706, I just added the times--thanks for reminding me!
April 8th (1 pm Friday) - 10th (2 pm Sunday)

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

FYI, I won't be cooking! But feel free to bring things to cook yourself. There's a gas grill.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

I plan to be there- car camping

Posted by pynklynx over 2 years ago

I may be able to make it. Thanks for the head up..... Will know for sure next week . Would be car camping for me. Update: I plan on being there !!!

Posted by butterflies4fun over 2 years ago

My husband and I will be there. We will stay in our trailer in the town nearby. This will be our second year. We look forward to it. Sorry we can't make it to Indian Creek due to other trip plans.

Posted by clairesorenson over 2 years ago

Pack a sack lunch for Saturday and head over to the classroom building at high noon. I've asked Chuck (@gcwarbler) to provide entertainment (but please don't disturb the microscopes that are set up in the classroom).

There's been no significant rainfall at Timberlake in several months. It's dry. But life exists--and we shall find it everywhere we can! Just don't expect the lush conditions that we've experienced in previous springs.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

I am going to try and make it for Saturday afternoon at least if I don't make it Friday, though I don't know if I will make it in time for the brown bag lunch. :)

Posted by rymcdaniel over 2 years ago

BTW, @pfau_tarleton, I am bringing the frozen Attwater Prairie Pocket Gopher.

Posted by connlindajo over 2 years ago

@connlindajo Sounds delicious!

Posted by bosqueaaron over 2 years ago

Three things in particular to look for this weekend: redbud trees, Terralonus salticids, and ichneumon wasps. We've yet to document a redbud tree at Timberlake. If you see one, please try to get the exact coordinates. And document all of them that you see, if any.

We've seen Terralonus salticids in the rocky area near the big tank. We're wanting to catch several of them alive (I have vials). They look like this: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/105935504

For ichneumon wasps, we're collecting them--I have vials. Here's some that we've seen in the past: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?nelat=31.293539160045018&nelng=-98.52483999673083&place_id=any&swlat=31.253191430822277&swlng=-98.68817579690173&taxon_id=47199

I'm super excited to get away for the weekend and spend time with friends!

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

When you say friends Russell, are you talking about us, or the wasps and spiders? Or all? See you soon. Thanks again for hosting!

Posted by jcochran706 over 2 years ago

I'll be on the lookout. In that same rocky area, there's a woodlouse https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/25506092
that I would like to collect alive, as well as any queen ants, excluding Solenopsis.

Posted by bosqueaaron over 2 years ago

Thanks for hosting, Russell! I'll be there Saturday, probably car camp over night. :)

Posted by lorimalloy over 2 years ago

Had a great weekend with all kinds of friends: wasp, spider, ant, and even human!

I updated the post above to include links to the observation and identification modals for this weekend.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

Something that is becoming obvious is that the dry conditions (and resulting absence of flowering plants to distract us) forced us to focus our attention elsewhere and we looked in places that we probably wouldn't have looked otherwise. The result? A few interesting species that we've not seen before. Next month, I'll start compiling and summarizing our findings and will share the results.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

Enjoyed the weekend a lot even though things were dry. Thanks for all the great people to hang with especially!
Thanks Russell for having and hosting us there. Looking forward to those results.

Posted by mikef451 over 2 years ago

Ditto what Mike just said. Really enjoyed seeing the people again and the absolute peace and quiet of the location. Looking forward to next visit. I want to see how much Christmas cholla survives the dry spell.
Thanks Russell for providing this opportunity to explore a different environment.

Posted by connlindajo over 2 years ago

I'm echoing Mike and Linda Jo, thoroughly enjoyed the weekend at Timberlake. Although, I think we need to bring less food next time, y'all almost killed me with all the goodies you brought!! I still feel stuffed!

Thanks, Russell! So when is the next event? ;-)

Posted by annikaml over 2 years ago

Today, we surpassed 600 species that we documented at Timberlake April 8-10--at least 30 of them were first records for Timberlake. Several of them, if we've ID'd them correctly, are not often documented anywhere. Here in a few weeks, I'll try to run a more detailed report.

Posted by pfau_tarleton over 2 years ago

That's Awesome on new species . Can't wait to see that. I'm hoping the area has gotten rain now from the storms this week. Looks like it on radar, but not sure on the amount.

Posted by butterflies4fun over 2 years ago

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