Accurate geotagging

My old camera had a built-in GPS, but it usually took forever to get satellite readings and so many of my pics were missing the geotag. My new camera doesn't have GPS built in. So, when I'm out on an observing trek and want to make sure I get accurate locations, I'm using a phone app that records location as a GPX file. I start the app to record my trek (I have it set to record my location every few seconds) and then, later, I sync my pics with the locations using GPicSync software on my computer (it ties pics with locations based on the timestamp).

I originally used GPXLogger but it is no longer available. GPS Logger (BasicAirData) is an alternative for Android users. I look for apps that do not share data with third parties.

Posted on December 31, 2019 11:38 PM by pfau_tarleton pfau_tarleton


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