Please pay close attention to the little brown beetles that come to your lights. The ones that are 2-4 mm and with knobs on their antennae. This one, in particular:
I'm needing specimens to do DNA barcoding to see how different they are from the European species (there is debate as to whether they are different species).
Just pop them in the freezer and contact me.
Don't expect to see them by the dozens, though. Mine appears to be the only one among all the sap-feeding beetles on iNat:
Haven't had my light out for a while (trying to catch up on posting) but I'll keep my eye out when I get back to it.
The dead squirrel trick worked well...I have a dozen of them now and will be extracting DNA from their tiny legs later today (trying to anyway)..
Well, don't count on the squirrels to come running to you for forensic DNA tests now... in fact, you may never see one again now. Bahaha!
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