An interesting patch of Lupinus bicolor.

The other day I was driving around and I thought I saw white Lupine. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a very large form of Lupinus bicolor. The so called miniature Lupine can be not very miniature at all!

Most of these were not white as I had thought, but very pale blue, instead of the usual darker blue. A small few were the usual darker blue, as you can see below.

I checked the plant against the key to be sure. The banner is tapered and is longer than wide. The keel is ciliate from middle to tip. The flowers are whorled, of course. This one is fruiting, some quite large.

The plants grow up to 30 cm. The pedicel is quite long for L. bicolor at 3.5 mm or so.

Posted on April 4, 2019 07:09 AM by leafybye leafybye


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Miniature Lupine (Lupinus bicolor)




March 27, 2019 04:45 PM PDT


This is a very interesting patch of Lupinus bicolor! The pedicel length is at the upper limits of what is expected for this species. These are very tall, with very large flowers for L. bicolor! Also, most are a very pale blue! When pollinated, these are very pretty.

Banner is longer than wide, as shown in photos with banner petal and ruler.


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