Fearless woodpeckers and skittish juncos

Hello! I've never used one of these journals before, I just wanted to document something I noticed yesterday. Woodpeckers (moreso downy woodpeckers) tend to just not care whether you are close to them when they are flying around. I've seen so many little downy woodpeckers fly up to the side of a tree a couple feet above/ahead of me. I don't know if they don't see me or just don't see me as a threat, but it really makes for good photos! black-eyed juncos on the other hand, seem to be very very skittish, not allowing me to get close to them whatsoever, flying away immediately upon spotting me. I tended to notice the juncos on the ground more(?), so maybe more ground-oriented birds are more skittish because they are much more vulnerable compared to the woodpeckers, high up on the tree, completely safe from basically all non-flying predators (I have no research to back this up, I am simply assuming).

Posted on January 22, 2024 07:21 PM by burntretinas7443 burntretinas7443


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