Mason Lake (May 13)

Date and Time: May 13, 1:00pm
Location: Mason Lake, Belfair, WA
Weather: Mostly sunny about 72 degrees
Water temperature: about 40 degrees
Soil conditions: Mostly dry

Today, there are an abundance in birds, mostly American Robins and Bald Eagles. American Robins are very easy to distinguish as they have a reddish orange belly and breast and a grayish brown back and tail feathers with a darker colored head. They have a white line down their throat, streaked with black and their under-tail feathers are white. These birds are very abundant around the Pacific Northwest and are one of the first birds in the morning to be foraging for worms in your front yard. In this case, the American Robin had a worm in its mouth and flew away as i approached it too close. However, the main diet of the American Robin is berries, rarely do i ever see them eating berries though, they are mainly worms and insects. After seeing these lovely Robins I recalled information that i had learned awhile back that, the reason Robins are seen searching for worms is that the main diet of robin chicks is worms. Baby Robins eat about 100 meals a day! That is a lot of food for such a little chick! As for the Bald Eagle, while I was sitting on the dock, and saw a Bald Eagle fly over the trees and another one circling around in the sky. The Bald Eagle is very easy to notice with its white head, a large heavy looking brown body, white under-tail feathers, a large head and long, hooked yellow beak. However, when it's flying, the Bald Eagle holds glides in the air with its wings stiffly pointed out straight like a board. The Bald Eagle was gliding in the air for about ten minutes. It was looking for food such as salmon, herring, shad, and catfish. Although, their diets are made up mainly of fish, their diets vary depending on the available resources from birds to reptiles.I love seeing Bald Eagles, they are so majestic and to me are a symbol of power and being strong.

Posted on June 4, 2012 11:39 PM by ballev ballev


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